The Exciting Indoor Plant Trends for 2023!

The Exciting Indoor Plant Trends for 2023!

Plants are still a trend in 2023, which is a great thing, if you ask me!

As Instagram launched in 2010, and hit 100 million active users in 2013, posts and feeds portraying beautiful plants increased people’s desire to acquire plants for their homes.

The lock-down we experienced during the pandemic has also caused a need and desire to be surrounded by plants. (Perhaps a good aspect of the pandemic?).

As we got used to constantly see beautiful, (honestly, too beautiful! Painfully beautiful!), plants on social media, and we moved on to a new normal, we realize that fortunately, plants are here to stay. 

In-fact, houseplants have become such a staple in our lives that like fashion, or Pantone colours, they have yearly trends.

You may ask; “Who determines such plant trends?”

Good question!

Plants annual predictions are mostly based on the experience of the Royal Horticultural Society. However, gardeners’ enquiries also play a big role in this trend setting. (If you think of it though, gardeners enquiries, come from customers requests, which most of the time are based on what they see on social media!).

So, what are the indoor plant trends for 2023?

Let’s take a look!

plant trend

tree-like and bold foliage

Big and bold seems to be the biggest (no pun intended), plant trend for 2023.

Any plant that is large and tall, with large foliage is in!

One of the most popular this year is the Birds of Paradise Plant. There are many others that can be considered, if you don’t have a big space.

All sorts of Palms, tall Dracaenas, and Dieffenbachias are excellent options as well.

birds of paradise plant, (STrelitzia nicolai)

The Birds of Paradise Plant is an amazing plant for a bright, big and tall corner of your home. This plant is extremely low maintenance and it brings a wonderful tropical flare to your home BUT it grows big quite fast!

Birds of Paradise Plant

I keep my Birds of Paradise in the corner of my home office, right by a South facing window. It creates a beautiful tropical canopy over my desk.

cat palm, (chamadoera cataractum)

This is an easy and fun plant that can fill any empty corner of your home with a beautiful, deep green. Place its pot inside a wicker basket, and you’ll get a cabana feel into your home! This plant is quite easy to grow and maintain.

Cat Palm

I keep my Cat Palm at the entrance of my home office and I love the welcoming feeling I get from it.

monstera deliciosa

I feel like the Mostera has been a plant trend for the last decade. It never gets old. How can it, with its beautiful fenestrated, giant leaves? The Monstera Deliciosa is an easy plant to grow, maintain and propagate. It also requires a big space as it tends to grow big and it needs support to grow upwards. It can grow in moderate light conditions, but it certainly thrives in bright, indirect, light.

Monstera Deliciosa

I’v had this Monstera for three years and I repotted it twice and propagated it several times. I had to train it with taller poles and stakes many times to keep it so tall and straight.

fiddle leaf fig, (Ficus lyrata)

The Fiddle Leaf Fig has been trending in Interior Design magazines for many years. Like the Monstera, it never gets old. This plant is more finicky than others, and it definitely requires a lot of bright light. It does not like to be moved, so only once you’ve nailed its ideal location, it becomes low maintenance.

plant trend

I’ve had this Fiddle Leaf Fig for 16 years. It has been sitting by a South facing window for the last 12 years and it keeps on growing! 

low light houseplants

I wonder if this plant trend is dictated by the fact that more people want plants these days and not many people have access to a lot of natural light…

Whether that’s the case or not, I have the plants for you!

These two plants are the only ones I know that can really deal with low light levels.

zz plant, (zamioculcas zamiifolia)

The ZZ Plant is the epitome of low light tolerance. You can push the limits of darkness with this plant. It is also a low maintenance plant that requires little watering and it’s easy to propagate. Its shiny, leathery leaves will add brightness to any dark and dull space.

ZZ Plant

I’ve had this ZZ Plant for 14 years and it has grown so much in size, that I couldn’t find a bigger pot to repot it into it. I had to divide it and make 4 new plants out of it.

snake plant, (dracaena trifasciata)

The Snake Plant is one of the easiest plants to have in your home. Not only it survives in extremely low light conditions; it requires very little water and attention. There are so many different varieties of this plant that come in all sort of colours, shapes and sizes that Bob’s really your uncle when it comes to choosing one that you like for your home.

I am not a fan of the most popular yellow and green Snake Plant, so I opted for the Silver Queen variety, which is all green!

plant trend

This is the one plant I never worry about when I go away for over 2 weeks. I only water it once a month and it has been doing great for the last two years I’ve had it!

 Hey Plant Loving Woman!

Are you a middle age mom?

Do you constantly feel overwhelmed and anxious?

Do you believe in the healing power of nature?

To reveal your #1 Personal Houseplant that best

helps you reduce your anxiety.

modern and unique plants

It’s no surprise that modern and unique plants are trendy plants.

The question is, which modern and unique plant IS a 2023 trendy plant? Well, I can tell you that Air Plants are back!

Other plants that have unusual and minimalist shapes are also IN.

air plants, (tillandsia)

Air Plants are definitely unique. 

Not just for the way they look, but also for the fact that they do not need soil, nor a pot. They are highly decorative plants that can be displayed in so many different ways. It is important to know Air Plants needs before displaying them in wrong containers. In-fact, proper air circulation is critical for the health of these plants. 

plant trend

This Peach Air Plant is sitting on a macrame wall hanger, where it can get a lot of bright, indirect light. I water my Air Plant by spraying it abundantly with a water bottle once a week.

fishbone cactus, (disocactus anguliger)

The Fishbone Cactus is a unique plant. It is also modern in its lines.

I guarantee you that this plant will attract the attention of all your guests!

It is a wonderful succulent to have as it is low maintenance and easy to propagate. It requires bright, indirect light and watering once a week.

Fishbone Cactus

I’ve had this Fishbone Cactus for a couple of years and I have been quite surprised by its ease of maintenance and fast growth. Despite its growth, the rootball remains quite small, not requiring frequent repotting.

orchids, (phalaenopsis)

The Orchid is a beautiful blooming plant trend for 2023.

It brings elegance and sophistication to any space.

Unfortunately, many people believe that once the Orchid’s flowers are spent, the plant is dead, or not worthy of keeping.

A properly cared for Orchid can bloom a few times per year!

You need to know that more than 70% of Orchids are epiphytes, which are plants that in nature grow on other plants and trees.

That explains why Orchids are sold inside little plastic pots containing spagnum moss rather than soil. So, never repot them in soil! Just buy Orchid specific mix if you want to repot them!

Water them once a week using 3 ice cubes to make sure you have the right amount of water. Not too much, not too little.

Provide enough humidity by misting your Orchid regularly.

Provide enough bright, indirect light.

Never prune its stems because they won’t grow back and you don’t know where the new stems and blooms will come from.

Mini Orchid

I’ve had this Mini Orchid for 4 years. I water it once a week with 1 ice cube, (since it’s a mini-orchid). It blooms 2-3 per year.

plant trend

I kept my Mini-Orchid inside a glass jar for a while to test how it would do with the humidity conditions of a Closed Terrarium. It did really good.

easy to grow and low maintenance

Low maintenance plants have always been my plant trend, no matter the year!

However, it seems like in 2023, easy to grow and low maintenance plants are a great trend to follow. 

There are plenty of Low Maintenance Plants to choose from. For this Blog, I picked a variety of low maintenance plants to meet different tastes and needs; from modern and minimalist, to trailing. From classic and easy to propagate to spunky and highly decorative.

african milk tree, (euphorbia trigona)

The African Milk Tree has a tall, columnar look that adapts really well in modern and minimalist homes. 

This plant is very easy to grow indoors, requiring very little care. Despite its look, this plant is a succulent, not a cactus. (Although all cacti are succulents). Just provide a lot of bright, indirect light and water it every two weeks. 

African Milk Tree

My African Milk Tree sits at the top of the stair landing, right by a South facing window. It does bring interest and dimension to a dead and un-used space of our home.

wax plant, (hoya carnosa)

The Wax Plant, also known as Porcelain Flower for its beautiful pink flowers, is a lush trailing plant that can be arranged and displayed around the home in so many creative ways; from simple trails to trellises compositions.

It is incredibly easy to grow and to propagate. In-fact, the one I have is the result of three rooted stems I snipped off from one of my friend’s plants.

This plant thrives in bright, indirect light and water once every two weeks, but it is very forgiving if you miss a week or two..

Wax Plant

I used this beautiful wood trellis byTreleaf to display my Hoya’s growing stems.

jade plant

The Jade Plant is a classic!

A well known Feng Shui Plant believed to bring prosperity, luck and friendship. For this reason, the Jade Plant is often gifted as a housewarming gift.

It is easy to grow, maintain and propagate, provided that there is enough bright light inside the home. This plant needs a lot of bright light in order to grow properly, rather than leggy. Water only when the soil feels dry to the touch.

This is one of the few plants that can be propagated by placing the pinched stems directly in soil, without having to root them in water before. 

plant trend

This Jade Plant is growing from multiple stems I pinched off from another Jade Plant.

ponytail palm

The Ponytail Palm is a surprising plant!

It is a succulent to start with.

It is a non-toxic plant, safe for children and pets; and it is extremely easy to grow and care for.

This is one of the slowest growing plants I have, (and I have 107 of them!)

Not only it’s super easy to care for, but it is also a great space filler.

With its fountain-like leaves and spunky look, it can fill-up and brighten up many empty spaces, even the ones with limited light.

I only water it every three weeks.

Ponytail Palm

This is one of my newest plants. I have a  19 years old Ponytail Palm that is still gorgeous and growing strong. It has survived through many phases of our lives. It is older than our children!

variegated plants

Variegated leaves are a big hit this year! 

No matter the hues, any variegation constitutes a plant trend.

I picked two of my favourites because they are also low maintenance! (Double plant trend!).

marble queen pothos

The Marble Queen Pothos is a stunning trailing plant that can easily adapt to many home styles; from modern to boho. From minimalist to eclectic.

However, in order to maintain its stark white and green contrasts, it needs a lot of bright, indirect light. 

Lower light levels, will change the whites to yellow, completely changing the look and style of the plant!

This plant is really low maintenance and easy to propagate. Simply water when the soil feels dry to the touch.

Marble Queen Pothos

I keep the mother Pothos by a North facing window with a lot of bright, indirect light, which helps keep the white and green contrast. Its propagated stems are placed in a room with less light and the leaves have yellow hues.

philodendron brasil

The Philodendron Brasil is another breathtaking trailing plant. Its leaves look like they’ve been hand painted by an artist.

The tones of these leaves are definitely warmer with golden hues, making it more suitable for boho interiors. 

It is worth mentioning that golden hues are a big plant trend for 2023, so, even if this particular variety of Philodendron doesn’t have solid golden leaves, it can definitely be categorized under the golden hues leaves.

It is easy to grow, maintain and propagate. 

Bright, indirect light, with water when the soil feels dry to the touch will keep this plant happy and healthy.

plant trend

I keep my Philodendron Brasil in the bathroom as it enjoys high humidity levels and it does have a good South facing window.

pink barbiecore

Have you ever heard about Pink Barbiecore?

Barbiecore is a “everything hot pink” trend that rose in fashion in 2022. Barbie is of course the inspiration behind this trend.

Plants are following suit this year with the Pink Barbiecore plant trend.

All plants with any pink hue are included; from dark pink, to pastel pink. 

Pink toned varieties of Caladiums, Calatheas and Begonias are going to be very popular.  

The Stromanthe Triostar is my favourite type of Pink Barbiecore plant.

I love its variegation to start with.

Dark and silvery green with pale pink make this plant very delicate and elegant looking.

The back of the leaves have a dark, almost purple/red tone of pink.

In addition to its stark beauty, the Stromanthe is relatively easy to care for.

It thrives in bright, indirect light areas with high humidity. Its soil needs to be moist but not too soggy.

plant trend

In this picture you can appreciate the dark colour on the back side of the Stromanthe leaves.

Stromanthe Triostar

Pale pink is contrasting with different tones of green and silver.

mounted plants

Another interesting plant trend for 2023 is mounted plants.

Personally, I don’t have any mounted plants in my home. Even though I find them very attractive, they are not quite practical for my current lifestyle. 

Mounted plants require maintenance and attention as they can potentially damage the wall or whatever surface they are secured onto.

One of the most fascinating plants to mount is the Staghorn Fern.

This plant is naturally suited to this application as in nature it grows on other plants and trees and doesn’t require a full pot of soil to survive.

Moisture in the air provides the proper nutrients required for this plant to thrive.

However, I live in Canada, not in a tropical region. I cannot provide the air quality and moisture it can thrive and survive on in its habitat. To grow the Staghorn Fern properly in my dry home, I have to keep it in a pot with orchid mix.

If you feel like giving it a try you can embark on a fun and interesting mounting project. It is quite fascinating to see how the basal fronds wrap around the mounting surface as the plant grows!

plant trend

Photo Credit: Canva

plant trend

This is my Staghorn Fern. I have had it for over 3 years and I have seen it slowly growing. It is interesting to see how, as the plant grows, its basal fronds, get bigger to wrap around the pot in order to protect the access to the roots.

string of succulents

Last but not least in my 2023 plant trends Blog are the Strings of Succulents.

These unique trailing succulents are all different in care and need from one another and they each have their own character.

From dainty and delicate to whimsical and spunky.

Dressing them up by using playful pots you can obtain some eccentric plant displays!

string of pearls, (curio rowleyanus)

The most popular of the string of succulents, the String of Pearls are lovely and fun at the same time.

This plant grows long strings quite fast, requiring occasional trims!

It needs a lot of bright light and limited water to thrive.

It is prone to pests such as Aphids, so keep an eye open, (and a finger sensitive to sticky pearls!).

String of Pearls

Long hair on my pot head!

string of bananas, (curio radicans)

String of Bananas have thicker strings than String of Pearls and are even easier to care for.

If possible, they grow even faster, producing very long strings that will reach the floor in no time. 

Here’s another opportunity to do something fun with the plant.

Like the String of Pearls, the String of Bananas requires bright, indirect light to thrive. It does need a bit more water than the string of Pearls. (Although water frequency is always relative to the amount of light a plant is exposed to).

As a rule of thumb, water it when the soil feels dry to the touch.

String of Bananas

This String of Bananas is about the get a hair cut.

string of dolphins, (senecio peregrinus)

The String of Dolphins has even thicker strings than the Strings of Bananas and Pearls.

I find this trailing succulent to be more finicky than the previous two. (Perhaps because I haven’t had much success with it in the past). 

It is incredible how its leaves resemble actual dolphins!

The key is to keep the plant in bright, indirect light and water it when the top soil feels dry to the touch.

plant trend

String of Dolphins next to String of Bananas. You can definitely notice the difference in stem thickness between these two plants. You can also notice the cute little penguins jumping out of those strings!

string of hearts, (ceropegia woodii)

The String of Hearts is one of my all time favourite plants. I keep propagating it as it is so easy.

This plant is definitely different from the other strings. Other than its look, it is different from an anatomical perspective as its roots are formed through tubers.

Its look is less whimsical. It is more of a dainty plant. 

It requires bright, indirect light and water only when the top soil feels dry to the touch.

This plant goes dormant during the winter, so it is really important to regulate watering accordingly.

String of Hearts

String of Hearts trailing from a macrame and driftwood hanger.

 Hey Plant Loving Woman!

Are you a middle age mom?

Do you constantly feel overwhelmed and anxious?

Do you believe in the healing power of nature?

To reveal your #1 Personal Houseplant that best

helps you reduce your anxiety.

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