How Plants Helped Me Recover From Painful Surgery Faster.

On April 5th, 2023 I went into hospital for elective surgery.
My surgery was scheduled. It was not an emergency. And for that, I am very grateful.
The truth is that awareness and gratitude are among the most important aspects that have emerged from this personal experience.
I could write a Blog about the great care, empathy and kindness I received from everyone who took care of me on that day; from doctors to nurses, from health care aids to administrative personnel. But the focus of this Blog is plants!
I am asking you to bare with me for a moment so that I can give you some context. This way you can better understand how and why plants are beneficial for patients recovering from painful surgery.
Surgery can be an intimidating, scary, and even threatening experience for some. You are in a pretty sterile and unfamiliar environment with multiple stressors; you may have physical discomfort or pain, you may be worried about the surgical procedure or the outcome of it, (or, if you are like me, about the post-operation pain), you may feel the distance and isolation from family and friends, and might be intimidated to deal with strangers.
All this stress and anxiety, can easily translate into additional post-operation pain and a slower recovery. It’s not me saying that. There are scientific papers that prove it.
What can be done to help improve the patient’s experience before and after surgery in a way that doesn’t require excessive use of analgesics?
I know that, the moment I woke up from my recent surgery, I was in pain, a lot of pain! And the amazing staff who took care of me helped me out by giving me potent analgesics. (I am so grateful for that!)
I can also tell you that for the entire duration of my post-surgery hospital stay I needed pain killers every three hours.
To everyone’s disbelief, including mine, I didn’t need one single pain killer the moment I got home.
Is it really because I was surrounded by plants?
Maybe…But not so fast! Let’s not draw these conclusions so fast!
I am no doctor, nor horticulturist, so I am not entitled to suggest such things.
There might have been a combination of factors at play that helped me eliminate the need for pain killers; probably the fact that my body had adjusted from being off the surgery sedatives, or that my pain tolerance in the comfortable and familiar environment of the home was higher, and that even my anxiety levels were lower. Who knows?
But, let’s dig deeper into the reasons why and how plants can help people recover from painful surgery faster.

Still looking dopey working on my laptop 5 days after surgery.
science supporting the benefits of plants
There is no doubt that plants are good for you.
Plants have many benefits; from boosting mental health to our immune system, from improving productivity to cleaning the indoor air.
Even though there are hundreds of articles, Blogs and ads promoting the benefits of plants, many are still skeptical about it.
People want proof.
People want clear data demonstrating how plants are beneficial to humans, and they want tangible results.
So, can plants help heal faster with less medication?
Yes! It is true, and it’s backed up by science.
When I started researching for this Blog I came across these two studies, among many others, that clearly demonstrate the positive impact of houseplants on patients recovering from painful surgery.
study #1
“View Through a Window May Influence Recovery From Surgery”
by Roger S. Ulrich
Science, New Series, Volume 224, Issue 4647, (Apr. 27, 1984), 420-421.
In his 1984 study, Psychologist Roger Ulrich, demonstrated that patients able to look at nature from a hospital window can recover from surgery faster, or improve their health condition faster than patients with a window facing a brick wall.
46 patients recovering from gallbladder removal were examined over a period of 9 years. The goal was to determine if a room with a window looking into nature had restorative effects on these patients.
In order to test this hypothesis, 23 patients were placed in hospital rooms with a window view of nature. Another set of 23 patients recovering from the same type of surgery were placed in rooms with windows facing a brick wall.
As you might have already guessed, the patients staying in rooms with windows looking into nature had shorter post-operation hospital stays, more positive feedback on their rooms, and took less analgesics than patients staying in rooms with a brick wall view.
stydy #2
“Therapeutic Influences of Plants in Hospital Rooms on Surgical Recovery”
by Seong -Hyun Park & Richard H. Mattson
American Society for Horticultural Science 2009
Feb 2009, Volume 44, Issue 1, Pages 102-105
In this research study, Park & Mattson demostrated how plants in hospital rooms were not only pretty and morale boosting. They actually helped patients recovering from painful surgery heal faster.
80 Female patients recovering from the removal of all, or part of the thyroid were examined over the course of six months. These patients were randomly assigned to either a hospital room with 12 plants in it, or a control room without plants.
40 patients were in rooms with plants, while 40 had none.
The rooms with plants contained a combination of the following plants;
- Peace Lily
- Golden Pothos
- Kentia Palm
- Arrowhead Plant
- Cretan Brake Fern
- Variegated Vinca
- Phalaenopsis Orchid
- Yellowstar Jasmin
Six months of data on 80 patients undergoing the same surgical procedure indicated that the 40 patients in hospital rooms with plants had a significantly shorter hospital stay, took less pain killers, had less pain, anxiety and fatigue, and had a more positive experience with their hospital room and staff than the patients in the control room.
Finally, when asked what was their hospital room most pleasant aspect, the patients in rooms with plants answered; “Plants”. While the patients in control rooms answered; “The TV”.
In general, houseplants can help recovering patients by providing a great opportunity to experience nature in all seasons indoors.
Plants symbolize hope and renewal of life. They can enhance the look of any space, making it feel more natural.
Plants boost mental health, and when you feel happier and more joyful, your body can recover faster.
Observations on several patients demonstrated that the process of horticulture can help heal both physical and mental disabilities.
Did you know that there are trained Horticultural Therapists that prescribe and administer planting and gardening activities to provide benefits to people?
Yes! In-fact, horticulture is now widely accepted as an effective therapeutic tool.
People can heal by caring for plants and through the use of plants!
At this point you might be thinking; OK Cecilia, I get it…Plants can help me recover faster… but how? What do I need to do????
If your surgery is scheduled, many of your loved ones will offer you help and support. Ask them to bring you a plant! (Sure, a meal for you and your family is great too!!).
Even if your surgery was not planned but you have a lengthy recovery ahead of you, ask family and friends to bring you plants instead of flowers!
Perhaps you already have plants at home, and that is great! Adding some new ones to your Plant Family is always great, isn’t it?
Just simply looking at your plants, even if you are lying in bed or on the couch, will bring you tranquillity and peace.
If you are more mobile, watering your plants, misting your plants, or picking the dead leaves and flowers, will give you a sense of accomplishment and will make you feel more grounded. Reducing anxiety is great during recovery.
The best thing about having more time, is gaining the ability to be more aware of the little things. This will allow you to notice the growth of your plants even from one day to the next!
These small appreciations and joys will change your perspective on recovery and healing.

Neon Pothos gift from my friend. Friends always know best! Clearly, this friend of mine knows I love plants and that I didn’t have this particular one!
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With my OCD personality, I started nesting a month before surgery.
During this time, I repotted and pruned a bunch of plants. The day before surgery I watered all my 100+ plants. This way I was sure I didn’t have to deal with plants during my lengthy recovery period.
Little did I know that plants were actually really helpful for me during recovery!
Even on day 1, just simply lying down in bed or on the couch I could see my plants. They were actually in front of me. Staring at them brought me comfort. Surprisingly, I had no need for pain medications.
On Days 2 and 4 I received new Plant Babies from my girlfriends, which filled me with joy.
By Day 5 and 6 I was able to stand and walk around for a short period of time more comfortably, and I would notice a new growth on plants I had ignored for a week! This new awareness for the little things, (which having more time affords you), really makes you appreciate these sweet discoveries.
Such sweet discoveries affected my mood positively. Positivity becomes determination and determination resolves in faster recovery because you are more resolute to take the right steps in the right direction.
I broke down the ways plants brought me joy during recovery and help me heal faster.
receiving NEW BABIES
Two friends of mine, (so far), have brought me new plants.
They both know me and my Plant Family well because I didn’t have either of them!
They also know my taste and picked the perfect pot to go with these plants.
I was so happy to receive these plants! Not only because they are beautiful and I am excited to add them to my collection, but also because it showed me how much my friends cared for me.

Neon Pothos

Pickle Plant
WATCHing my plants GROW
One of the little pleasures I find these days is noticing the plants’ growth. It is Spring after all, so many plants are growing a lot! I actually notice their growth daily!
I have some favourites because they are growing faster than others.
Many plants that I propagated or pruned before surgery are now blooming and that makes me smile. Smiling is good for me these days.
Every time I smile I become aware of it, and I realize how grateful I am for my health, how well the surgery went and how great the recovery has been so far!

My avocado pit is growing a considerable amount every day. I wait for my daughter to come home from school to show it to her and we are both WooooWing at it!

I have this view when I sit on the couch. I often look at the tip of my Norfolk Pine and notice how tall is growing. I am sure it will open up in fronds by June, exactly like it did last year! Then my eyes shift to the Marble Queen Pothos to the right; that one stem is getting longer every day. I need to prune it!
Finally, just watching my plants makes me happy!
Aren’t there a great deal of #plantsmakemehappy and #plantsmakepeople happy all over instagram feeds?
I’ve been spending a great deal of time either in bed or on the couch these days. I can see my plants no matter where I sit or lie.
It is like for those hospital patients examined in their rooms with windows looking at nature, or in rooms with 12 plants.
Having a view of plants helps me feel at peace and grounded, which is an immense benefit while recovering from painful surgery!
Positivity goes a long way!

This is the view I get from lying in my bed. I have noticed that short, new ZZ Plant Stem growing on the right side of the pot. I like to think it’s a gift the plant gave me when I came home from hospital.

This is the view I get from lying on the couch in the Living Room. My ever growing Strelitzia. I like to focus on the line patter on its leaves when I rest on the couch.
According to the doctors, recovery for my type of surgery is around 6 weeks.
As of today, I am only on day 13 of my post-operation recovery.
I am very sure, that as the time goes by, I will find even more ways in which plants are making me happy and helping me heal faster.
If you’ve had a similar experience, I would love for you to share your thoughts in the comments below!
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