100 Different Houseplants I Have Grown in My Home

As of today, August 17 2022, there are 98 plants in our home.
They are not 98 different species.
There are 57 different species for a total of 98 plants.
I have duplicates, (or even more), of certain species I love.
But this blog is about the 100 different species I have had in our home in the last 3.5 years.
Why? You may ask.
Because this 100 plants blog celebrates my 100th blog!
I am happy and extremely proud to say that after 3.5 years I’ve reached my 100th blog!!!
All the plants you see here have been under my care in our home for the past 3.5 years. All pictures are mine. All plants are mine.
It is quite the collection of plants and stock photos!
It is meant to be a source of information for you.
All plants are listed in alphabetical order by their common name. Their scientific name is also listed.
For every plant I talked about in the past 3.5 years I created a link to those specific blogs.
Not every plant has a picture or a link, and that’s because I either didn’t particularly love it, or I never wrote about it or took pictures of it.
Here’s to 100 plants and 100 Blogs!!
1. African Mask, (alocasia amazonica)
This stunning houseplant is tricky to keep as beautiful as it looks if you don’t live in a tropical climate.
I talk about it in the “Most Beautiful Leaves” and “Toughest Houseplants” blogs.

2. african milk tree, (euphorbia trigona)
This gorgeous cactus is one of the lowest maintenance houseplants to have in your home. I describe it in more detail in the “Best Aesthetic Plants”, “The Top 5 Impossible to Kill Houseplants”, and the “Top Full Sun Houseplants” blogs.

3. african violet, (saintpaulia)
My grandma used to have a lot of these around her home, so I had to have one of these kicking around the house too.
4. aloe vera (Aloe Barbadensis)
I’ve talked about the Aloe Vera and its many benefits in several blog articles.
However, the “Best Air Purifying Plants”, “The Easiest Succulents”, “The Most Toxic Houseplants”, and the “Top Full Sun Houseplants” blogs are the best ones to give you all the knowledge you need to have to care for this special succulent.

5. aluminum plant, (pilea cadirei)
I have grown this plant exclusively in closed terrariums as it thrives in high humidity.

6. amaryllis
This is an annual Christmas tradition for me, and it has to be red!
7. anthurium
I have a white Anthurium, which is quite rare. The great majority of Anthuriums out there are red. I talk about this plant in my “Heart Shaped Leaves” blog. ❤

8. arrowhead plant, (nephthytis)
The Arrowhead plant is a beautiful, low maintenance plant. It does require frequent watering to be thriving and the right amount of bright, indirect light.
I have listed this plant in my “Beautiful Leaves”, “Best Indoor Climbing & Trailing Plants”, and “Best Plants for Shelves” blogs.

9. baby rubber plant, (peperomia obtusifolia)
This sweet houseplant, is quite easy to grow in your home, in-fact, I listed it in my “10 Best Low Maintenance Indoor Plants”.
If you are a pet lover, or have small children, this plant has the added bonus of being one of “The Best Non-Toxic Indoor Plants”!

10. baby rubber plant variegated, (peperomia obtusifolia varigated)
Like the plant above ☝, just variegated!
11. begonia
My mom’s passion…
I dedicated an entire blog post to this spectacular fern! Just click on the title to learn more about it!

I have two of these amazing plants.
They are extremely easy to grow indoors, but be aware! They grow tall quite fast!
So, before you buy one, make sure you have plenty of room for it, (like a 10′ ceiling), and a lot of bright light.
You can click the link on the plant name to read the dedicated blog I wrote about it, or you can find it among other plants in the “Tall Indoor Plants” blog.

14. bonsai
Not the easiest fella to care for…
15. boston fern, (nephrolepis exaltata)
I tried hard with this plant, but my home doesn’t have the high levels of humidity this fern requires to thrive.
16. buddhist pine, (Podocarpus buddhist pine)
I have two of these cute little plants; one is growing in a pot, and the other one is inside a glass jar. These plants are ideal for closed terrariums as they thrive in high humidity and grow very slow.

17. bulbous air plant, (tillandsia bulbosa)
There is so much confusion about Air Plants proper care.
I focused my “Decorating with Air Plants” blog to the beauty and enormous display potential of these plants.
However, I felt like I had to list this plant among the “Toughest Indoor Plants” as it isn’t as easy as it is made to believe to care for.
I’ve had mine for over three years, and this particular one has given me a baby!

18. burro's tail, (senecio morganianum)
My puppy destroyed this one…Not by chewing it. It was on his path of travel by the window and there has been one too many squirrels to bark at!
19. calathea medallion
Beautiful and breath-taking leaves.
I wrote about this tropical plant in the “Beautiful Leaves” and “The Best Aesthetic Plants” blogs.
Can you see why???

20. cascade palm, (Chamaedora cataractum)
This is one of the very few plants that I bought specifically for outdoor purposes and then I winterized indoors!
Why? You may wonder.
I simply don’t bring my plants outside in Summer. I’ve had way too many pests nightmares! However, if you feel like the outdoors are good for your houseplants, here is a good article on “How to Properly Bring Your Plants Indoors For the Winter”.
If you want more details on the Cascade Palm, you’ll find it in my “The Best 7 Indoor Palms” blog.

21. coleus
I’ve brought Coleus indoors after a glorious Summer Season outdoors…
Unfortunately, some nasty pests took a ride inside the house this way. This is where I had to learn “How to Safely Bring Plants Indoors for the Winter”.
22. coral cactus, (euphorbia cereuscola)
This lovely cascading plant came into our home as a cutting from one of my favourite friends ❤.
I rooted it in water and I am watching it grow with much anticipation.

23. crested elkhorn, (euphorbia cristata)
This extremely weird plant is nothing but two succulents grafted together!
As you can see the crested top succulent has been “implanted” into the stock of another succulent.
Weird uh?

24. crinkle leaf plant, (adromischus cristatus)
Super cute, but super finicky too…
25. cyclamen
Another grandma’s special, this plant has been in my home since childhood.
26. desert candle, (euphorbia abyssinica)
An extremely low maintenance tall cactus that I describe in the “Tall Indoor Plants” and “Best Aesthetic Plants” blogs.
I’ve had this cactus for 18 years!!!

27. dumb cane, (Dieffenbachia)
I used to have this plant in my childhood home back in Italy and I remember how hardy it was! It lasted for so many years so I ended up buying another one here.
28. e.t. fingers, (gollum jade - crassula ovata gollum)
I have two of these curious and unique succulents; one growing into a terrarium, and another, (this one ↓), growing into a pot.
I talk more about it in my “7 Top Full Sun Houseplants” blog”.

29. echeveria black prince
Beautiful rosette shaped succulent that can grow leggy if not placed in the proper location.
30. echeveria elegans
One of the most iconic succulents.
Beautiful when you first buy them. If you are not a succulent master, it can grow tall and leggy.
31. english ivy, (hedera helix)
I love this dainty houseplant!
It can be displayed in many ways around the home.
I chose to hang mine on the wall and let it trail from a beautiful hand made macrame hanger. I even had it climbing on my walls for a period of time, until I realized how sticky its little feet became on my drywall and how unpractical it was to take it on and off the wall for maintenance purposes.
You can read more about the English Ivy in my “Best Low Light Plants”, “Best Air Purifying Plants”, “Feng Shui Plants”, and “Best Indoor Climbing & Trailing Plants”.

32. eucalyptus
I’ve had three of these plants and I have to say, they grow quite fast indoors!
They need a lot of bright light and consistent watering!
33. fairy castle cactus, (cereus tetragonus)
Needless to say, this cute little cactus belongs to my son! Easy to grow, requiring very little TLC!

34. ficus ginseng, (ficus retusa)
An IKEA special, this plant has brought so much joy to the side table of my office.
It enjoys bright, indirect light and watering approximately once a week.

This majestic plant of mine is 15 years old at the time this blog is being written.
A finicky but beautiful plant that I describe in detail in a blog exclusively dedicated to it, (simply click on the plant name here above).
Because of its traits and qualities, I’ve listed it in the “Tall Indoor Plants”, “Toughest Houseplants”, and “Root Pruning” blogs. (I actually needed to prune the roots of this plant as it was growing too big and tall and couldn’t find a bigger pot for it!).

This unique and peculiar succulent is very easy to grow indoors.
I wrote a blog about it and you can read it by clicking on its name here above.

37. gardenia, (gardenia jasminoides)
This plant with the most fragrant flower is the symbol of my husband and I marriage. He had a Gardenia flower tucked to his jacket the day we got married.
Growing the Gardenia plant indoors, in the harsh climate I live in, however, is not easy and I learnt it the hard way.
This adaptable trailing plant is beautiful and lush.
It has its own dedicated blog, (click on the plant name here above), where you can learn everything you need to know to grow this plants indoors.
I have also described the Heartleaf Philodendron in the “Indoor Climbing & Trailing Plants”, “Best High Humidity Plants”, “Best Beginners Plants”, and “Ideal Plants For Shelves”.

39. hibiscus, (hibiscus rosa-sinensis)
I absolutely love this plant and his tropical flower.
My feelings were crushed when the outdoors’ summer pests slowly killed it!
40. hindu rope, (hoya carnosa compacta)
This gorgeous plant is a variety of the Wax Plant.
As a matter of fact, you care for it the same way you’d care for a Wax Plant.
Read my blog on the “Hoya Carnosa” to learn how to care for it.

41. hoya heart, (hoya kerrii)
This very cute succulent came into our home as a single leaf Valentine’s novelty three years ago…
I knew the chances of these leaves rooting are very slim but I decided to give it a try anyway, and I kept watering it diligently week after week.
After three years, out of the blue, a little stem popped out the soil!
My heart leaf rooted and it’s now growing a Hoya Kerrii plant.
I talk about the Hoya Kerrii in my “Heart Shaped Leaves” blog.

42. hoya pubicalyx
This plant is relatively new to my plant family.
However, a few weeks were enough for me to determine that this Hoya is as easy to care for as the Wax Plant. Its care and needs are also the same.

I’ve had quite a few of these plants in my home. I still have a few here and there, simply because they are incredibly easy to propagate and then care for.
I dedicated an entire article to it, and you can read it by clicking on the plant name here above.
I’ve also described the Jade plant in my “Feng Shui Plants”, “Best Low Maintenance Plants”, “Pest Resistant Plants”, and “The Easiest Plants to Propagate”.

44. jade plant variegated, (crassula ovata variegated)
This pretty plant is simply a variegated variety of the Jade Plant.
It requires the same level of care as the Jade Plant.

45. jasmine, (jasminum officinalis)
I grew up surrounded by the summer fragrance of Jasmine back in Italy, so I tried so badly to grow this plant indoors in my harsh climate but I failed. ☹️
46. kalanchoe, (kalanchoe blossfediana)
One of my closest friends gave me a cute rooted stem of this plant.
It is now sitting on my desk and I am watching it grow into a mature plant.
47. lemon lime prayer plant, (lemon lime maranta)
I love this plant but it continues to break my heart! 💔
No matter how badly I try to provide the high levels of humidity it needs, I still get crispy leaves!
But I am stubborn and I have 6 of these plants! (Thanks to a continuous propagation effort!).
You can find details about this plant on my “Best Indoor Hanging Plants”, “Beautiful Leaves”, “Toughest Houseplants”, and “The Easiest Plants to Propagate”.

48. lil' phil philodendron, (philodendron phil01 pbr little phil)
Spunky Plant that is easy to care for, like many other Philodendrons!

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49. maidenhair fern, (adiantum)
This particular Fern, like the Boston Fern, is tricky to grow indoors if lacking high humidity.
It is a great plant for rooms with low light levels.
In-fact, I talk about this plant in my “Low Light Plants” blog.

50. majesty palm, (ravenea rivularis)
This Palm brings such a tropical flare to our home and it is ideal to spruce up any space.
This and other palms are described in my “7 Indoor Palm Trees”.

The total Queen of our home, this plant is not only beautiful, it’s also extremely adaptable to any conditions and easy to grow indoors.
I dedicated an entire blog to this plant. You can read it by clicking the name of the plant here above.
The Pothos is described in many of my blogs thanks to its beauty and versatility. However, the most useful information can be found in the “Top 5 Impossible to Kill Houseplants”, “Best Beginners Plants”, and “Houseplants That Grow in Water”.

52. mini orchid, (Mini phalaenopsis orchid)
I describe this little gem in my “Best Non-Toxic Plants”, “Feng Shui Plants”, and “Best Humidity Houseplants”.
Did you know I only water it with one ice cube per week?

53. monstera adansonii
I decided not to call this plant Swiss Cheese Plant because there is too much confusion with the Monstera Deliciosa Plant, which is quite different in care and needs.

One of my biggest and all time favourite plants!
I’ve been watching it growing for over three years. I have propagated this plant as a by-product of a major repotting-pruning-training session.
It is fairly easy to grow indoors and the amount of leaves this plant can produce is quite incredible.
I wrote two blogs about the Monstera Deliciosa.
The first one is dedicated to the day to day plant care, and you can access it by clicking the name of the plant here above.
The second one is a more detailed blog about the long term maintenance of Monsteras; repotting, pruning and training. Here’s the link.

55. moon cactus, gymnocalycium mihanovichii)
Who hasn’t had one of these cacti before???
56. meyer lemon tree, (citrus meyeri)
This is one of my husband’s obsessions…
Did you know that this plant is not an actual pine but a tropical plant?
Yes! The Norfolk Pine requires a lot of bright, indirect light and high humidity levels in order to thrive!
So, before you chuck yours after the next Christmas season is over, give it a chance to grow!
It makes for an excellent “Tall Indoor Plant”.

58. ornamental pepper plant, (capsicum annuum)
I used to have one of these vibrant plants when I was living in Montreal. Unfortunately, I had to leave it behind when I moved, so I had to go fetch another one.
59. panda plant, (kalanchoe tomentosa)
This cute, fuzzy little succulent can grow into a nice trailing plant that can easily be propagated.

60. pansy, (viola tricolor hortensis)
This is a Mother’s Day classic! It came every year from my kids throughout elementary school!
I wrote a blog about the Peace Lily, (and you can read it by clicking the plant’s name above here), because I wanted to share the truth about this plant.
It is not an easy plant to keep beautiful looking. It is easy to grow, but not to keep good looking. It is prone to brown tips and it can be hard to make it bloom.
You can also find this plant described in the “Best Air Purifying Plants”, “Feng Shui Plants”, and “Toughest Houseplants”.

62. peach air plant, (tillandsia capitata)
This elegant and delicate looking Air Plant, obtains the majority of its nutrients from the humidity in the air, (hence the name), and the water it gets.
Often, Air Plants are put inside glass jars or closed terrariums. Unfortunately, these plants cannot thrive without proper air circulation.
You can read more about Air Plants on my “Decorating with Air Plants” and “The Toughest Plants” blogs.

The Pencil Cactus is an interesting and unique plant that can be grown and maintained indoors with ease.
It is both extremely easy to maintain and toxic to humans and pets.
If you have little fingers around your home or hungry pets, avoid this plant.
You can read more about the Pencil Cactus by clicking the plant’s name here above. You can also find it in my “Most Toxic Houseplants”, and “Easiest Succulents”.

64. philodendron birkin
A newly acquired plant in our home, this fascinating plant is another easy to grow Philodendron!

65. philodendron brasil, (philodendron hederaceum brasil)
I love staring at these leaves. It looks like they have been hand painted!
You’d think that being so beautiful, would make this plant hard to care for, but it is actually quite the peach!
I’ve described the Philodendron Brasil in many of my blogs due to its adaptability and beauty. If you are looking at how to care for it, you’ll find the best informations in my “Best Low Maintenance Plants”, and “Heartleaf Philodendron” blogs (as they share the same care needs).

This is my “Birth Month Plant”, and as such I have a lot of them in the house and I have propagated over 30!
Needless to say I wrote two blogs about the Pilea.
A very comprehensive one that you can read by clicking the plant’s name here above, and one more specific to “Propagating and Sharing the Pilea”.
This plant is also described in other blogs, such as “The Best Non-Toxic Plants”, and “Plants That Grow in Water”.

67. pin stripe calathea, (calathea ornata)
Another plant with hand painted leaves, the Pin Stripe Calathea is actually fussier than the Philodendron Brasil to care for.
I’ve described this beautiful plant in my “Beautiful Leaves” and “Toughest Houseplants” blogs.

68. pincushion cactus, (mammilaria)
This is my daughter’s plant and it is as cute as she is!
I never had a cactus blooming before!

69. pineapple plant, (ananas comosus)
This is another plant that belongs to my husband. Even though it looks quite uneventful, it is pretty cool that he rooted it from the actual pineapple fruit from the grocery store!
70. pink moonstone, (pachyphytum oviferum)
Matte, pastel pink, plump leaves.
Sounds dreamy, especially when trailing down from a beautiful pot.
Not in my home though…More in a temperate climate year round!
This graceful and feathery looking plant is actually NOT A FERN!
That’s right!
The Plumosa Fern belongs to the Asparagus Family.
I have three of these beautiful plants. One growing in an open glass container, one inside a closed terrarium, and another one in a pot en plein air.
I wrote a blog about this plant and you can read it by clicking on the plant’s name here above.

72. poinsietta, (euphorbia pulcherrima)
A seasonal plant that I stop buying a couple of years ago.
This joyful plant was the first plant I bought when I move to Canada. I’ve had it for 18 years!
I can say it is definitely hardy and low maintenance!
Fun fact; this plant is a succulent, and technically not a palm!
I wrote a blog about it, (click the plant’s name here above), and also described it my my “Succulents Safe For Cats”, “5 Impossible to Kill Plants”, and “Best Indoor Palms”.

74. propeller cactus, (crassula falcata)
Doesn’t this plant look interesting?
And as it grows, it starts to trail…

75. purple oxalis, (oxalis triangularis)
I’ve often been amazed by the beauty of this plant’s deep and rich purple.

76. rubber plant, (ficus elastica)
This variegated Rubber Plant is actually the only Rubber Plant I have in the house at this time.
I remember having a deep dark green one growing up, back in Italy, but it’s only a visual memory.
I talk about this plant in my “Beautiful Leaves”, “Feng Shui Plants”, and “Aesthetic Plants” blogs.

77. shy plant, (mimosa pudica)
This is one of my daughter’s favourite plants.
It is super cute when it closes its leaves as you touch it.
78. silver inch plant, (tradescantia zebrina)
I have a bitter-sweet relationship with this plant.
I love its deep and rich purple, contrasting with the silver. I don’t love how fast and leggy its stems grow.
However, if you are patient, you can actually grow a beautiful and full trailing plant out of it. It just doesn’t have a long life span.
I talk about the Silver Inch Plant in my “Best Indoor Hanging Plants” and “Beautiful Leaves” blogs.

79. silver philodendron, (scindapsus pictus argyraeus)
I’ve experience this Philodendron differently from others.
I’ve found it fussier.
I ended up cutting the healthiest stems off as the roots went rotten.
I am still growing these cuttings in water.

Another very hard to kill plant, the Silver Queen Snake Plant is also an excellent air purifier and tolerant to both drought and low light conditions.
In short, the ideal plant for black thumbs!
I dedicated an entire blog to Snake Plants. You can read it by clicking the plant’s name here above.
However, this particular variety of Snake Plant is described in my “Best Low Light Plants”, “Best Air Purifying Plants”, “Most Toxic Houseplants”, and “Top 5 Impossible to Kill Houseplants”.

81. silver vase plant, (aechmea fasciata)
This plant always reminds of my grandma. She had one in her home and I always thought it was fake until I bought one for myself.
Another hardy Snake Plant but smaller in size.
With this particular variety it is easier to notice their growth. Perhaps because they are smaller in size and they can sit on a counter high surface.
I dedicated an entire blog to Snake Plants. You can read it by clicking the plant’s name here above.
This particular variety of Snake Plant is described in my “Top Indoor Plants For Your Home Office”, “Feng Shui Plants”, “Low Humidity Plants” and “Plants for Shelves”.

This spunky looking Snake Plant is also is easy to care for.
Its stems can grow quite tall and tip over though! So, make sure you have them planted in the right pot with enough root support.
I dedicated an entire blog to Snake Plants. You can read it by clicking the plant’s name here above.
Finally, this particular variety of Snake Plant is described in my “Top Plants for The Home Office”, “Most Toxic Houseplants”, and “Full Sun Houseplants”.

Even though I don’t particularly love this plant, I am the first to recognize its many benefits; ease of maintenance, tolerance to low light and low humidity, as well as its ability to clean the surrounding air, and being non-toxic to humans and pets.
I wrote a blog about this plant and you can read it by clicking the link on the plant’s name here above.
I’ve also described the Spider Plant in my “Best Low Light Plants”, “Best Air Purifying Plants” and “Non-Toxic Plants”.

I definitely like this variety of Spider Plant better than the plain one!
As mentioned, I dedicated an entire article to Spider Plants and you can read it by clicking on the plant’s name here above.
This particular variegated and curly variety of Snake Plant has been described in my “Top Plants For Your Home Office”, “Best High Humidity Plants”, and “Beginners Plants”.

This wonderful fern is one of the easiest Ferns to grow indoors.
An epiphytes in nature, this fern grows over other plants and trees to draw its nutrients, requiring very little soil. The Staghorn Fern also draws its nutrients from the moisture in the air similarly to Air Plants.
I wrote a blog about this plant. Click the link on the plan’t name here above to read it.
I also described it in my “Best Low Light Plants”, and “Best Indoor Hanging Plants” blogs.

87. string of bananas, (curio radicans)
This lovely succulent grows long stems fast!
The good news is that you can cut these stems and root the cuttings to create a new plant!
I describe the String of Bananas in my “Indoor Climbing Plants” blog.

88. string of dolphin, (senecio peregrinus)
The String of Dolphins were different from all the other String of plants I’ve had.
I found them more finicky than many others.
But they are sure cute!

I have a few of these plants throughout the house.
That’s because I often have to cut the strings that become way too long and I end up rooting them in water to make new plants.
I wrote an article about the String of Hearts. Click the link on the plant’s name here above to read it.
I’ve also talked about the String of Hearts in my “Best Indoor Hanging Plants”, “Heart Shaped Leaves”, and “Plants that Grow in Water”.

90. string of pearls, (senecio rowleyanus)
This lovely, trailing succulent is a fast growing plant that loves the heat!
I’ve described it in my “Best Indoor Hanging Plants”, “Indoor Climbing & Trailing Plants”, and “Full Sun Houseplants”.

91. stromanthe, (stromanthe triostar)
This breath-taking plant is actually quite easy to care for.
Perhaps, the trickiest aspect of this plant is to continue to have those beautiful pink tones as the plant grows.

This succulent brings me so much joy every time it blooms, (which it does three times a year!).
There is quite a bit of confusion around this plant’s name, but the blog I wrote about the Schlumbergera will clear any confusion.
I’ve also talked about this plant in the “Best Non-Toxic Plants”, “Succulents Safe For Cats”, and “Easiest Succulents” blogs.

93. trailing jade, (peperomia rotundifolia)
I have a few of these plants simply because I keep pinching the long stems off to make the plant fuller.
I take those pruned off cuttings and placed them in water to root and make new plants.
I’ve described this plant in my “Best Low Maintenance Plants”, “Best Non-Toxic Plants” and “Indoor Climbing & Trailing Plants”.

94. umbrella Tree, (Schefflera)
I remember this plant being part of a Christmas composition pot. It was planted with a mini spruce, a Poinsietta and another plant I can’t remember. Clearly, the Schefflera was the only one that survived, so I repotted it into a separate pot.
It started growing out of control into one of those wobbly plants we are all familiar with.
Not a big fan on the Umbrella Tree, but I do admit it is very easy to grow!
95. venus flytrap, (Dionaea Muscipula)
This is the one plant that every kid has had in their life.
I had one, and both my kids each had one.
They just don’t survive! That’s because they are simply not meant for our climates.
96. watermelon peperomia, (peperomia argyreia)
This is a beautiful plant!
Not the easiest to look after, but definitely worth having!

Everyone should have this plant in their homes!
It’s easy to care for, it produces beautiful flowers called “porcelain flowers” and it can be arranged and displayed in so many different ways!
I dedicated an entire article to the Wax Plant. You can click the link on the plant’s name here above to read it.
I’ve also described it in the “Best Non-Toxic Plants”, “Indoor Climbing & Trailing Plants”, and “Beginners Houseplants”.

98. yucca plant, (yucca)
Another plant I don’t love but to which I am emotionally attached as it reminds me of my childhood.
It is a plant that has lot of symbolic meaning.
99. zebra cactus, (Haworthia)
The lively Zebra Cactus is the perfect plant to brighten up any desk’s moods…
Its small size make it ideal for work surfaces and small spaces.
I have a few in my home and they are all presents from one of my best friends.
I talk about the Zebra Cactus in the “Succulents Safe for Cats”, and “Full Sun Houseplants”.

One of the oldest plants I have in the house, the ZZ Plant is a real gem, (hence its other common name; Zanzibar Gem).
It is drought tolerant, it is an air purifier and you can push the limits when it comes to low light with this plant.
I wrote two blogs about the ZZ Plant; the first one about the plant care and you can find it by clicking on the plant’s name here above. The second one is about “Dividing, Propagating and Repotting the ZZ Plant”.
I’ve also included this plant in the “Best Low Light Plants”, “Most Toxic Houseplants”, and “Impossible to Kill Houseplants”.

If you made it until the end of this list and are reading this last paragraph; THANK YOU!!
This blog has been a huge effort but also a great accomplishment for me!
I hope you found it useful and continue to use it as source of information for all your plants needs!
You can always contact me with any questions you may have!
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Loved this! My grandmother loved African violets and I have a white Anthurium, and do love my little Panda succulent. 😍