Monstera Deliciosa Complete Care Guide; Pruning, Propagating, Repotting & Training

The Monstera Deliciosa care is quite simple and easy on a day to day basis.
This stunning tropical plant doesn’t require too much attention and can grow relatively fast under the right conditions.
Its basic needs for light, humidity and water are easily managed by plant lovers of any skill level.
It’s no surprise the Monstera Deliciosa has become so popular in the last few years; its ease of maintenance, the beauty of its fenestrated leaves and lately, its accessibility and affordability, made this plant a staple for any plant lover!
I’ve actually already written an article about the Monstera Deliciosa.
While my previous article was more focused on the day to day care of the plant, this article is more of its continuation, its “part two” if you will, in which I go deeper into the Monstera Deliciosa’s maintenance requirements.
In-fact, the Monstera Deliciosa care goes beyond keeping the plant alive and healthy.
A healthy Monstera Deliciosa will grow fast, which means its stems will start falling all over the place if un-supported; its aerial roots will grow into a knotty mess, and the plant will loose its attractive shape.
Caring for a Monstera Deliciosa means being able to maintain a healthy plant, prune it, propagate it (if desired), repot it, and most of all, train it.
Sounds overwhelming?
It isn’t!
Just read along and follow the steps required to maintain a healthy and beautiful Monstera Deliciosa!

The older your Monstera Deliciosa grows, the bigger the leaves will get and the more fenestrations you’ll see on them..
Monstera Deliciosa care
The Monstera Deliciosa is native to the tropical rainforests of Southern Mexico, where it grows as an epiphytes on top of other plants and trees using its aerial roots to climb and crawl its way up.
The name Monstera Deliciosa refers to the “monstrous” size this plant can reach in its natural habitat, and from the sweetness of its edible fruit.
Young and small Monstera Deliciosas have lighter green foliage with very little perforations, while more mature plants tend to have darker and deeper green leaves with more pronounced fenestrations.
Check out my Blog on Tropical Plants to see the size of a Monstera in the wild!
Taller plants and trees screen the Monstera Deliciosa from direct sunlight exposure in its natural habitat.
This is why Monstera Deliciosas we bring into our homes, adapt really well to moderate light conditions.
However, I’ve seen this plant thrive in bright, indirect light.
I keep my Monstera Deliciosa by a large North facing window and it’s loving it!
humidity & temperature
This plant is native to the tropical rainforests, so it really enjoys high humidity levels.
However, it can adapt really well to the average home humidity.
If you want to make your Monstera happy, you can mist it with distilled water twice or three times per week, making sure the droplets of water fall into the soil in the pot!
Make sure you keep your plant away from any cold drafts, whether it’s cold windows, doors, or even A/C vents in Summer!
Watering & Fertilizing
Water your Monstera when 1/3 to 1/4 of the top soil feels dry to the touch.
I can’t really give you a time frame because it really depends on your climate, the size of your pot, and the humidity of your home.
Add liquid plant food to your water every time you water your Monstera from Spring to Fall.
Soil & Repotting
Even though the Monstera Deliciosa thrives in high humidity, it’s important that it’s planted in a draining pot, with well draining soil. After all, this plant doesn’t even grow in dirt in nature!
Use a tropical mix, mixed with perlite to add drainage and make sure your pot has draining holes!
As far as repotting goes, hang in there, we’ll cover this aspect later in the article!
However, if you don’t see roots sticking out of the draining holes of its pot, there is no need to repot your Monstera!
For more details on Monstera Deliciosa Care, (Light, Humidity, Watering), check out my previous article on the Monstera Deliciosa.
Monstera Deliciosa Pruning
If your Monstera is happy with its location and the care you’ve been giving it, it will continue to grow.
When a plant grows, it reaches a point in which it’s beneficial to prune it.
This is true for any plant, not just for a Monstera Deliciosa.
Click here to learn more about the benefits of pruning indoor plants.
I am talking about pruning first because I am assuming that your Monstera is already “trained” on a moss pole.
If not, you can skip this part, and go directly to the “Monstera Deliciosa Training” Section below.
As you can see from the pictures below, my Monstera Deliciosa has outgrown its coco coir pole and not only it needs a taller pole, but it also needs to be pruned!
The stems are too heavy to be supported by any pole, and pruning the plant, will divert its energy into the growth of new and bigger leaves.
Let’s see how to properly prune your Monstera Deliciosa step by step!

This is my Monstera Deliciosa prior to pruning it, repotting it and retraining it on a taller coco coir pole. Can you see how the weight of the stems is pulling the pole and the pot in one direction? (it would have been towards the sun but I moved it for the purpose of the picture).

Notice the big mess of aerial roots going in every direction!
Step #1 - gather all the tools and material

In order to prune your Monstera stems you only need;
- a sharp knife and
- pruning shears. (I like these ones because they are sturdy for work for many plants, including outdoor ones!)
(I had glass jars and LECA ready to propagate the cuttings. I use the Velcro tape to fasten the stems to the pole and the spray bottle to dampen the aerial roots to make them softer and bend them).
Step #2 - prune the decaying leaves first

The first things to prune are the decaying leaves.
Any leaf that looks yellow, brown, or that it has any damage, needs to be pruned off.
Generally, decaying leaves are the older leaves.
Even by simply pruning these leaves you boost your plant’s energy!
Step #3 - determine which stem to prune

Before you start cutting stems, take a look at which stem you need to cut. Leave the tallest stem where it is as it gives your plant vertical dimension. Start looking at the sides and lower stems.
One thing you want to observe is that there is no new leaf growing in the stem you are about to prune, because the cut will stop that leaf growth!
Step #4 - Prune the stems

Once you’ve determined which stem you want to prune, you need to know where to make the cut.
Make a clean cut with a sharp knife, (or pruning shears, depending on the thickness of your stems), between two nodes along the stem.
The nodes are those swollen parts along the stem that have leaves attached to it and either have aerial roots, or small protrusions that will become roots.
Cut as many stems as you need to cut to lighten up your plant, but remember you should never prune more that 30% of your plant volume!
Step #5 - Prune the aerial roots from cuttings if needed

If you are keeping the stems you’ve pruned, (called cuttings), to propagate them and root them in water, you may choose to cut the extra long aerial root.
It won’t damage the stem and it won’t compromise its propagation success.
Step #6 - gather all your cuttings

Set aside all your cuttings and determine which ones you want to root and which ones are not worth propagating because they are damaged or decaying.
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Monstera Deliciosa Propagating
Propagating Monstera Deliciosa is quite simple, especially after pruning your plant!
Here are the three simple steps!
Step #1 - Gather The Cuttings

Make sure you choose the best cuttings!
Cuttings without nodes, with damaged and decaying leaves should not be placed in water as their chance of rooting is quite slim!
Step #2 - Spray The Aerial Roots if Needed

You may choose to spray the aerial roots in your cuttings before bending them to put them in a jar filled with water.
Dry aerial roots tend to snap, so if you dampen them with a spray bottle, it will be easier to slide them into a jar.
Alternatively, you can cut the aerial roots off.
Step #3 - Place your Cuttings in water

Once in the jars, fill them with water.
Change the water at least once a week.
I tested one cutting in a container filled with LECA, (Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate) I bought online, and water on the bottom to observe the difference in rooting speed and morphology!
MOnstera Deliciosa Repotting
Repotting a Monstera Deliciosa is no different than repotting any other plants, except that it’s a big plant!
The ideal time to repot any plant is early Spring, but any time during the summer is also good.
There is no need to repot your Monstera Deliciosa every year, unless you notice that its roots are growing out of its draining holes at the bottom of the pot.
It is however a good idea to replace your plant’s soil once a year. All plant’s soil becomes nutrient depleted after a year and it is good practice to replace it. This will also give you the opportunity to take your plant out of its pot and inspect the roots for any issues, such as rotting, infestation or disease.
For more information on repotting plants and its importance, check out my article on Repotting Houseplants.
The Monstera Deliciosa can have so many roots!
Aerial roots and potted roots!

Sometime, with Monstera Deliciosa, it can be hard to distinguish between aerial roots and potted roots growing out of the draining holes and around the pot!
Step #1 - gather all your material

To repot your Monstera Deliciosa you will need:
- a pot with draining holes that is at least one size bigger than the previous pot. (I went from a 12″ diameter to 14″).
- Draining rocks for the bottom of the pot for additional drainage, (Optional. I use draining rocks when I use plastic pots even is they have draining holes because plastic doesn’t aerate the soil the same way terracotta does).
- Tropical potting mix.
- Perlite to add drainage properties to the soil.
- A 4L bucket to pre-mix soil and perlite.
- Gardening trowel. I like this one because it can scoop a lot of dirt!
Step #2 - remove plant from its pot

Removing a big plant from its pot always takes two people.
One to gently pull the plant out, and one to hold the pot in place.
You may need to loosen up soil and roots by gently scraping the inner wall of the pot with a thin blade of a knife before trying to pull the plant out.
Step #3 - observe the roots

Observe the roots and watch for any damage caused by either rot, pests or disease.
If you see any, gently remove it either by hand, or using a knife.
If your plant is still small, I recommend you take it over the sink and gently rinse off the roots. Remove as much of the existing soil as possible and even loosen up the roots!
Step #4 - place a layer of draining rocks at the bottom of your pot

Add a good layer of draining rocks to the bottom of your pot.
If your plant is still small and you are using a terracotta pot up to 10″ in diameter, you can skip this step.
If your pot is larger than 10″ and it’s made out plastic, not only you need to make sure it has draining holes, you should also add 1″-2″ layer of draining rocks.
Step #5 - mix soil with perlite

Before you place your plant inside the new pot and start adding soil, pre-mix your soil and perlite inside a large bucket. I generally mix 4 parts soil with 1 part perlite.
Step #6 - plant your monstera

Plant your Monstera Deliciosa inside the pot and start filling all the sides with your pre-mixed soil.
Water well once you are done.
Water until you see water draining into the bottom saucer.
Discard excess water after a couple of hours.
monstera deliciosa training
To train a Monstera is to support a Monstera to climb upwards.
It can be done with a centre pole, with stakes, or with a trellis system.
I am going to show you how to train a Monstera to climb a pole.
The most common poles are made out of moss or coco coir, and they come in different heights and thicknesses. Some have a fixed height, and some are modular so that more segments can be added as the plant grows.
Some people even build their own poles at home, (I have great admiration for them!).
In this particular example, I am going to remove an existing pole that my Monstera has outgrown, and replace it with a new, taller one.
If you are placing your first pole, skip Steps #2-5.

This is how a more mature Monstera Deliciosa looks like on a coco coir pole after being pruned, repotted and re-trained!
step #1 - gather your tools and material

To train your Monstera Deliciosa to climb a pole you will need:
- A pole; coco coir or moss. Moss poles retain more water and allow the aerial roots to actually attach to the pole and climb up. The Coco coir poles do not retain water as well but they are easier to transport, making them the cheapest and readily available option for online shopping. They are also the sturdiest type of poles for bigger and heavier plants like growing Monstera Deliciosas.
- Velcro tape to tie the stems to the pole and the aerial roots together. I had used gardener’s ties in the past but I much prefer Velcro tape as it is more delicate on the plants and more visually appealing.
- scissors to cut the Velcro tape.
step #2 - (if previously trained) undo your ties from the pole

Undo all the previous ties from the pole.
(Skip to Step #6 if your Monstera has never been trained on a pole before.)
step #3 - observe your plant

Notice how the stems are still standing even without the ties? That’s because the plant has been trained well!!
step #4 - gently remove stems from the pole

Now gently remove each stem from the old pole and lay them on the floor.
As you lay them on the floor, do your best to move around the aerial roots so that they are untangled and not overlapped with other stems or other aerial roots.
As you re-train your Monstera stems up the new pole, you will need to be able to identify which aerial root belongs to which stem.
step #5 - remove the old pole

Remove the old pole.
I removed an overgrown 24″ pole, and I am replacing it with a 36″ pole.
Isn’t it such a desolating sight??
step #6 - gently install the new pole

If this is your first pole, be very gentle as you insert the pole in the soil.
Try to place it right in the middle of the pot to keep the plant balanced, but at the same time be cautious of main roots as well.
You’ll be able to feel the roots as you insert the pole into the soil.
If this is your second or third pole, and you are replacing a previous pole, after you’ve repotted your plant, simply place your pole in the same spot as the previous one. (You know that the roots have gone around your previous pole already so there is no reason to risk damaging well established and mature roots).
step #7 - fasten your first stem unto the pole

Now that the pole is in place, you can start fastening the stems to it.
Test the length of Velcro tape you’ll need before you cut a piece.
Since I didn’t do it this way, and I ended up regretting it, I suggest you start with the longest and heaviest stem first!
step #8 - start tying together aerial roots

Every time you fasten one stem to the pole, gather all of its aerial roots and tie them together with another piece of velcro tape.
This will help you keep the aerial roots organized!
step #9 - fasten the next stem onto the pole

Now fasten the second longest and heaviest stem. Gather its aerial roots and tie them together.
step #10 - continue fastening stems onto the pole.

Continue on by fastening all the stems from the longest to the shortest, and tying together their aerial roots.
You may find that sometime you’ll have to undo some aerial roots to allow some stems or other aerial roots to go through or overlap. It’s ok. This is a work of art and a work in progress.


step #13 - FASTEN the last STEM ONTO THE POLE.

step #14 - make two bundles of aerial roots and tie them together.

Now that all your stems are fastened onto the pole and all the aerial roots are organized into small “ponytails”, observe the natural direction these different groups of aerial roots want to go. You’ll notice there are likely two main different directions.
Group your aerial roots into two separate bundles and tie them together.
step #15 - place your plant into a decorative basket (optional).

If you have a decorative basket for your Monstera Deliciosa, this is the time to place it in.
Don’t forget to insert a saucer at the bottom of that basket before you put your plant in it.
It will collect the excess water every time you water your plant and will save you from a great big mess on your floor!
step #16 - keep aerial roots out of the pot.

Here you can see the two main bundles of aerial roots I asked you to tie together in Step #14.
Make sure that all your aerial roots are outside the decorative basket.
step #17 - tie together aerial roots following their natural direction.

It’s now time to “braid” those long aerial roots together!
I am not really braiding the roots together, but as you can see I am tying them together every 6″-8″ .
step #18 - integrate aerial roots with the pot.

Depending on the color, size and shape of your basket or pot, you can play with the display design of your aerial roots.
I picked a basket that looked a lot like the Monstera Deliciosa aerial roots, so used the roots as a decor accent for the basket and after wrapping them around it, I tucked them inside the handle.
step #19 - find a very bright spot with indirect light for your plant.

Finally, after taking one last overall picture of my pruned, propagated, repotted and trained Monstera Deliciosa, I placed it back where it thrives; by the large North facing window of our Living Room. Here, it gets plenty of bright, indirect natural light.
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