Benefits of Plants. Why Plants Are Good For You.

I have been promoting the benefits of plants for a long time.
I feel that now, more than ever we need to surround ourselves with indoor plants.
In a time when we are mass panicking about social distance and are slowly hunkering ourselves down into our homes, we desperately need a connection with nature.
The ones that are ahead with the consequences of the fast spreading COVID-19 know how human connections are fundamental to all of us. They also crave the time outside; whether it’s walking down the street or going for a walk in nature.
When I talk to my family and friends in Italy, it’s not the toilet paper that they need and miss. It’s the human connection, it’s the walk down the street, it’s the bike ride to work. They can’t have any of that at this time.
So, why the ones that are behind with the peak of the COVID-19 spread, don’t observe the ones ahead and learn what do they really need in order to live a decent life when it comes to spend way more time secluded inside?
It’s not toilet paper that we need!
We need a good quality of our living space!
What are we going to do with loads of toilet paper when we are miserable human beings?
Well, perhaps, we can use it to dry our tears out.
What I am getting at is; stock on plants!!!!
Indoor plants have so many benefits that are so critical to keep us calm and happy in the months to come!
And it’s not just me saying that!
There are scientific studies backing these theories up.
Let’s take a look at the benefits of plants.
1. plants boost our mental health
One of the biggest benefits of plants is that they help improve our mental health in many ways.
It’s true that plants make people happy!
In-fact, it’s demonstrated that people who live around nature are much happier than those who don’t. (I know I am much happier when I am in nature!).
Indoor plants throughout our homes remind us of the outdoors.
Plants, with their stillness, have a sense of peace and calm around them, that can ground any of us and tremendously help those who suffer from depression and anxiety.
Have you ever considered why green is the universal colour used by surgeons and doctors in hospitals?
There are many ways indoor plants can boost our mental health;
improving our mood
Studies have shown that surrounding ourselves with plants, looking at plants and even touching plants, can improve our mood.
decreasing our stress and mental fatigue
Being around nature is soothing and calming. Naturally, this means, our stress levels and mental fatigue decrease.
increasing relaxation
When we are happier and less stressed, we become increasingly more relaxed. Bringing plants into our homes, allow us to create a more relaxing space to work, focus, or simply decompress.
I recently renovated a room of our home to move my workspace from the Kitchen/Dining table. I purposely filled this space with plants. I definitely feel a considerable difference in level of ease and relaxation while I work, and even confidence about what I do compared to where I was before.
Plant’s foliage have a unique way to reflect light into a space to make it feel more natural and soothing.
increasing self esteem
As mentioned in the paragraph here above, being able to spend time in a space that is relaxing and conducive, has an impact in the way we feel about ourselves and the work we do. My level of confidence and trust in the work I do has increased since I personalized my workspace with plants.

Indoor plants can be a source of great joy and inspiration. Its foliage and flowers shape, pattern and colours can be so soothing and calming.
boosting our sense of compassion and improving relationships
Caring for others is a great way to feel better about ourselves and to boost our confidence.
In my case, I feel less anxious in a situation that causes stress, when I can help someone else in need. It’s a way of making me feel I can be a responsible and capable person; someone who can be relied on when in need.
The same goes with plants, and it works particularly well for people that feel lonely or depressed.
Caring for plants is an excellent way to boost our sense of compassion, and by doing that, improving our relationships with others.

Watering and caring for plants can be a great cure for loneliness, anxiety and depression. Caring for another living thing can be rewarding and purposeful.
2. plants boost our immune system
One of the favourite benefits of plants is that they help boosting the immune system. And I repeat, help.
Well, it is a byproduct of of the mental health benefits of plants.
Let’s take a look;
increasing sleep
When we are calmer and more relaxed, we are able to have a better sleep.
We should all have a few plants in our bedroom. Not only because they help us relax and consequently help us sleep better. But also because some plants are excellent air purifiers and clean the air from toxins while we sleep. Read more about the 10 Best Air Purifying Indoor Plants here.
(If you practice Feng Shui, you should not place plants in your bedroom. To learn more about plants placement in Feng Shui Practice, read here).
What happens when we sleep more? We boost our immune system!
decreasing fatigue
When we sleep more, not only we boost our immune system, we feel more energetic, hence less fatigued!
reducing sore throats and colds
By being more relaxed and sleeping more, we boost our immune system. When we boost our immune system, we are stronger in the fight against cold viruses.
Studies conducted in Norway have demonstrated that illnesses can drop by 60% through the use of indoor plants. One of the major reasons why plants have such an impact in fighting colds and sore throats is due to the fact that plants considerably increase the humidity of a space.
Higher environmental humidity during the winter months can be a blessing in many heated homes that tend to be overly dry. Higher humidity means a decrease in survival and spread of the flu virus.

Being surrounded by nature relaxes people. This is why bringing nature inside our homes is a great way to calm your senses and promote better sleep.
3. plants improve productivity
This is my favourite among the benefits of plants!
- because it has to do with plants
- it’s about personalizing a space
- because I am an Interior Designer!
How do plants help us improve productivity?
Well, if we follow the reasoning above, we already have half of the answer; plants make us happy, they boost our mood and relax us.
Let’s read below for the missing pieces of the puzzle.
boosting concentration and memory
That’s right!
According to researchers at the Exeter University in the UK, the presence of indoor plants can help us boost our concentration and productivity up to 47%! According to the same study, plants can help us increase our memory retention by 20%!
Not bad, uh?

Having a nest surrounded by greenery helps you focus on our tasks.
boosting creativity
To be creative we need inspiration.
We all find inspiration in different things and aspects of life.
I find inspiration in art and plants and the combination of them.
Plants are pieces of living art after all. Their leaves are a miracle of beautiful shapes, patterns and colours that inspire many.

Surrounding ourselves with plants in alternative containers and objects that are meaningful to us will inspire us to be more creative and to think outside the box.
improving motivation
I can’t work or create in just any space.
I need an inspiring and conducive space to feel comfortable and motivated.
The best way for me to find motivation and inspiration is to surround myself with personal and emotional objects that remind me of great memories and people that I love. These objects, pictures and quotes are framed by my favourite plants.
Some plants are trailing down from a shelf so that I can see them from underneath, when I am at my desk.
Others are simply sitting on the shelf and I can appreciate them from farther away, when I pass by the room and my eyes get caught by the beauty of a plant. Every time I catch myself paying attention at the beauty of a plant, I realize that I’ve met the goal of creating an inspiring, motivating and conducive space for my home.

Creating an inspiring space filled with plants and all the things we love, will motivate us to spend more time in it. Being in a pleasant environment will give us the motivation and inspiration to work on our tasks and goals.
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4. plants clean the indoor air
These are the physical benefits of plants.
If I haven’t got your attention with the mental health and the productivity benefits of plants, I hope this will convince you that plants are good for us and our environment.
There are many indoor plants that improve the quality of the surrounding air by removing toxins, increasing humidity and producing oxygen. All good stuff for us human beings.
absorbing toxins
Some Indoor plants can remove up to 87% of the air toxins in 24 hours.
You can refer to the NASA Clean Air Study if you are interested in the scientific data proving that plants, (and which plants), are excellent natural weapons to improve our home air pollution.
You can also read my article on the 10 Best Air Purifying Houseplants if you want to learn which plants are best at removing which toxin.
increasing humidity
Plants release humidity through transpiration.
The more plants we have in our homes, the higher the humidity will be. It can be a blessing for homes like ours, where the humidity can go as low as 35% in winter due to very cold outside temperatures.
As described in the Immune System Section above, higher humidities, decrease the survival and spread of the flu virus.
producing oxygen
We inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.
Plants inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen.
Can you see why it is a good idea to have plants near us while we sleep?

In general terms, plants do the opposite of what we do; they inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. This is why it’s so great to surround ourselves with plants.
5. plants enhance the look of any space
This is the Interior Designers favourite benefit of plants.
I don’t think anybody can argue with this.
However, its not just about dropping a trendy plant in a pretty pot in the corner of a Living Room.
No, there’s more to it. Choosing the right plant and the right container for the right person and the right space, takes knowledge and skill.
I am not going to into detail here, but if you want to learn more about decorating with plants and choosing the right containers for the right space, you should read my article on Indoor Plant Pots – How to Pick a Pot For Your Plant And Your Home.
filling empty corners
Empty corners can be filled with tall floor plants or smaller plants on a nice corner table.
filling tall empty walls
This can be done in many ways; whether it’s shelves with a collection of plants, hangers with trailing plants or even moss walls.
Check this article for more ideas on Plants Wall Decor.
filling shelves that would otherwise be filled with objects without a purpose
Whether they are trailing plants or cuts in a glass jar waiting for roots, let’s use our creativity to fill shelves with beautiful plants and meaningful objects that inspire us. It will bring a whole new light and feel to our space.

Plants really help give dimension and proportion to a home wall.
adding natural, living beauty and vibrant colours to any space

Plants are beautiful and vibrant living decor objects for anyone’s home.
I know we are living in a time of uncertainties.
Don’t let the “panic-demic” take your positivity away.
Allow indoor plants to heal your soul and cheer your spirit up!
Hey Midlife Mom!
Reclaim 10 Hours in Your Day With My 5 Day E-Mail Guide Without Sacrificing Family Time, Even If You Are Already Multitasking From 5 am Till Midnight
It’s interesting that you mention that having plants around you can help you relax. I want my yard to be a nice place to relax, so I’m thinking about buying some plants for it. I’m going to search for a good nursery in my area that can sell me some plants for my yard.
That is such a great idea! Good luck!